
Get Your Free Home Valuation Report

What is the Quadwalls home value estimator?

Our home value estimator answers the question of what is my house worth. Our tool delivers you the most accurate home value. We do this by having you answer questions about your home and taking into consideration aesthetic improvements and the condition of your home. We top it off by having a local real estate agent research homes like yours. We deliver the accurate answer to what your home is worth in your local market today.

Get your Indiana home value estimation

Complete our survey about your home. One of our real estate agents will review your answers, complete diligent research, and email you a report. Our report will include your home’s market value and a commission at which we would list your home. Please, give us up to 48 hours to email the report to you.

General Characteristics - Tell Us About Your Home
Property Type
Resident Status
Central Air
Approx. Finished Square Footage
Year Build
Lot Size/Acreage
Approx. Basement Finished Square Footage
Home Condition (5 is the best)
Features - Tell Us About All the Extras. Do you have...
Look & Feel - Select the picture most similar to that part of your home.
1. Kitchen - Choose the kitchen most similar to yours.
2. Bathrooms - Choose the bathroom most similar to your most updated bathroom
3. Exterior - Do not look at the design. Instead, look at the lines and exterior finishes. Choose the home most like yours.
4. Landscaping - Is your yard a jungle, kind of plain, or pristine? Select the home whose yard is most like yours.

    Your Information

    How we calculate your Indiana property value

    • First, we want to know the basic features in your home. This is things like the number of bedrooms, bathrooms, the home’s design, and size.
    • Next, we want to know about all the extra features. These are things like having a pool, or a fireplace, or a really big garage, or master bedroom.
    • After that, we want to get a better understanding of how your home looks and its current condition. We do this by having you look at pictures and tell us which is most similar to that same part of your home.
    • We take all this information and put it in the hands of one of our Quadwalls Connected Agents. These are actual real estate agents with access to the most current data and understanding of local market price trends.
    • Once our research is complete we will email you a range of prices where your home is likely to sell and a suggested listing price.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    What is the median home value in Indiana?

    The median home value in Indiana is $161,291. Indiana has one of the most affordable housing markets in the U.S. Indiana homeowners also pay lower property taxes compared to other states.

    How can I estimate how much my home in Indiana is worth?

    The Quadwalls.com Home Value Estimator will provide you with the most accurate home value for your Indiana home. Use our tool to find out exactly how much your home is worth today. We put the answers to your questions in the hands of our experienced real estate agents who will research your home’s value for you.

    What can affect my Indiana house value over time?

    Homeowners who do not keep up with maintenance or who do replace worn out parts of the home can see their Indiana house value decline over time. On the other hand, homeowners who complete home maintenance, replace dated materials and finishes, and keep their homes clean can expect their Indiana house value to increase over time.

    How can I increase my Indiana property value?

    Increasing your Indiana property value just requires keeping your property desirable. Desirable property and homes are well-maintained and often have relatively modern finishes and materials. Replace old materials with newer on-trend products. Also, a clean home is a valuable home. Keep your home clean and free of clutter both inside and out. This will increase the value of your home.

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