Sand Dollar is a small neighborhood of single family homes located on the west side of Portage, Indiana. The houses for sale in Sand Dollar Portage, IN are very affordable.
Houses in Sand Dollar include ranches, bi-lvels, and tri-levels. Most of the homes were built during the 1980s. Most homes have three or four bedrooms and one to two bathrooms. Home sizes range from 1,100 to 2,400 finished square feet. Most homes have a garage.
Sand Dollar Portage Indiana houses for sale have recently been selling in a range of $139,000 to $189,000. The average purchase price for a home for sale in Sand Dollar Portage IN is $167,000.
There are no amenities in Sand Dollar. The homes are connected to municipal water and sewers.
Sand Dollar is located in Portage, Indiana which was recently ranked among the 20 safest cities and towns in Indiana. Portage IN has a violent crime rate that is 50% lower than the Indiana state and U.S. averages.
There are good jobs near the Sand Dollar neighborhood. Portage is a populated city in a populated area. Therefore, there is a need for healthcare, professional services, and goods. Additionally, Portage is located close to numerous industrial sites, manufacturing facilities, and steel mills. Lastly, Portage is within commuting distance of Chicago, IL.
Sand Dollar is located in the Portage Township School district which recently received a Grade B in its annual assessment from the Indiana Dept. of Education.
There is no public transportation system in Portage, IN. Therefore, residents will likely need access to a vehicle. Sand Dollar is located on the west side of Portage, IN. When living in Sand Dollar you can get to U.S. Route 20, I-94, and I-80/90 in less than five minutes.
Sand Dollar is best for people who want to buy a house in Portage, Indiana but want to pay less than what the cost is for other homes. The neighborhood has a low average purchase price compared to other areas of Portage, IN.
Sand Dollar is a great neighborhood on the west side of Portage. Homes here will meet many people’s needs. The homes are affordable with an average sale price below the average for the city of Portage, IN. is a real estate website started in Valparaiso, IN. Quadwalls is the smarter way to real estate. We are dedicated to helping home buyers and sellers save money and make better decisions when buying or selling a home.
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