Pleasant Meadows is a neighborhood located on the northcentral side of Portage, Indiana. This neighborhood features only single family homes. The demand for these homes is strong. The reason is the houses for sale in Pleasant Meadows Portage, Indiana offer fantastic overall value for the money. From an economic point of view, Pleasant Meadows is one of the best places to live in Portage, Indiana.
Houses in Pleasant Meadows were built from the late 1950s through the late 1970s. Most homes are of the single story bungalow design. Homes in Pleasant Meadows typically have 1,815 finished square feet, three or four bedrooms and one or two bathrooms. Nearly all of the homes have a garage, and most homes have an attached garage. Most homes are on lots that are 0.2 to 0.3 acres in size.
Houses for sale in Pleasant Meadows, Portage, Indiana have recently been selling in a range of $112,900 to $210,000. The average sale price for a Pleasant Meadows Portage, IN house for sale is $165,699. Most houses for sale in Pleasant Meadows are selling for between $153,000 and $182,000. Houses for sale here are on the market for an average of 35 days.
There are no amenities in the neighborhood. Pleasant Meadows is connected to municipal water and sewers. The neighborhood’s in-town location puts residents close to businesses and parks.
Pleasant Meadows is a safe community. Portage has a very low violent crime rate. Portage, IN was recently ranked as one of the 20 safest cities in Indiana.
Portage Indiana has a strong and diverse jobs market. Portage is located close to the steel production, manufacturing sites, and industrial complexes located in Northwest Indiana. Additionally, Portage is a populated city in a populated region. This means there is an ongoing need for healthcare, goods, and services. Lastly, Portage is within commuting distance of Chicago, IL.
Students living in Pleasant Meadows attend Portage Township Schools. This school district was given a grade B during its most recent survey by the Indiana Dept. of Education.
People moving to Portage will likely need access to a vehicle because there is not a public transportation system in Portage, IN. Pleasant Meadows is located within a few minutes of U.S. Route 6 and 20 and interstates I-94 and I-80/90.
Pleasant Meadows is best for people seeking a single family home that is not too old, has a meaningful size, and with a relatively affordable purchase price. Additionally, there is moderate ongoing demand for houses for sale in Pleasant Meadows Portage, IN. Therefore, these homes are likely to appreciate in the near term. Purchasing a home in Pleasant Meadows also makes sense for buyers planning to live in the home for five years or less.
Pleasant Meadows is a good neighborhood for many reasons. Overall, from an economic perspective houses for sale in this neighborhood are a good purchase. This is especially true for those buying a home which they believe they will be selling again within five years. is a real estate website started in Valparaiso, IN. Quadwalls is the smarter way to real estate. We are dedicated to helping home buyers and sellers save money and make better decisions when buying or selling a home.
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