Brookview is a popular Portage IN neighborhood located on the west side of the city. This neighborhood is nearly entirely single family homes. Brookview is a relatively new neighborhood with most homes being built in the late 1990s through the early 2000s. This subdivision is located on Swanson Rd. between U.S. Highway 6 and County Rd. W 700 N.
Brookview is one of the best places to live in Portage, IN. Most of the homes for sale in Brookview are single family homes. However, there are just a few townhomes and duplexes. Houses for sale in Brookview Portage, Indiana vary by design. Home designs include bi-levels, tri-levels, ranches, and two-story homes.
Brookview Portage houses for sale are of an average size. These houses average 1,915 finished square feet. This is on par with the average for houses for sale in Portage, IN. Lot sizes average 0.25 acres in size. Most homes here have three bedrooms, but some do have four or five bedrooms. All homes have a garage, most homes have two or more bathrooms, and all of the homes are connected to municipal water and sewers.
The recent range of prices for homes for sale in Brookview Portage, IN $160,000 to $239,900. The average home sale price in Brookview Portage is $201,535. Most houses for sale in Brookview sell for between $200,000 and $225,000.
Brookview does have a playground within the subdivision. Additionally, there are sidewalks throughout the neighborhood. Homeowners in Brookview can find everything they need in Portage, IN. Brookview is less than one mile from the city center.
Brookview Portage is a safe neighborhood. Portage was recently ranked among the top 20 safest cities and towns in Indiana. Portage’s violent crime rate is far below that of both the state and national averages.
People living in Brookview Portage, IN have many job opportunities. Portage is located close to the major industrial and manufacturing complexes in Northwest Indiana. Additionally, the city is in a populated region. This means there is a substantial need for goods and professionals services as well as healthcare.
Students living in Brookview Portage attend Portage Township Schools. As a district, Portage Township Schools recently received a Grade B from the Indiana Department of Education.
People living in Brookview will need access to a car. This is because Portage does not have a public transportation system. Brookview is located in a great location. The neighborhood is close to country roads to cut down to other cities including Hobart and Valparaiso. On the other hand, the neighborhood is close to U.S. Highway 6 which gives residents the opportunity to easily get out to other larger highways and into Portage quickly.
Brookview really is an excellent place to live for anyone. The homes are relatively new and are a meaningful size. Young families, single people, older people, each of these could be very happy living in Brookview Portage, IN.
Brookview is one of the best places to live in Portage. Most importantly, houses for sale in Brookview Portage, IN offer fantastic overall value. What buyers get in exchange for the price is great value for the money. Also, these homes have great potential for near term appreciation. is a real estate website started in Valparaiso, IN. Quadwalls is the smarter way to real estate. We are dedicated to helping home buyers and sellers save money and make better decisions when buying or selling a home.
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