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Arvilla Acres, Portage, Indiana

This subdivision is located in the far southwest corner of Portage, IN at the corner of County Road W 700 N and Swanson Rd. This neighborhood contains only single family homes. This is a relatively new neighborhood.

Arvilla Acres Real Estate

You will only find houses in Arvilla Acres Portage, IN. The neighborhood is exclusively single family homes. The design of houses in Arvilla Acres varies. Home designs include ranches, bi-levels, tri-levels, and quad-level homes. The average home Avrilla Acres home size is 1,865 finished square feet. Most homes here have three bedrooms two to three bathrooms, but some may have more. Every house has a garage with most being a two-car garage. Homes for sale in Arvilla Acres Portage IN are connected to municipal water and sewers.

Arvilla Acres houses for sale have recorded a range of sale prices. Recently, this range was a low of $182,900 and a high sale price of $244,900. The average sale price for a home in Arvilla Acres is $218,157.

Homes selling in Arvilla Acres Portage IN sell extremely quickly. The average number of days on market for these homes is 20 days. This is far below the average for all of Portage Indiana.

Livability And Amenities

There are no amenities directly in the neighborhood. However, the neighborhood is close to the cities of Portage and Hobart, IN. In each of those you will be able to find shopping and entertainment you may want. The subdivision is quite close to a local agri-tourism business named County Line Orchard.

Crime And Safety

Arvilla Acres is located in Portage, Indiana. Portage has an average property crime rate but a below average violent crime rate. Portage residents are 50% less likely to be the victim of a violent crime.


The location of the Arvilla Acres neighborhood puts its residents close to many great jobs. Portage is in a relatively densely populated area. Therefore, there are many jobs nearby related to professional services. Additionally, Portage is close to the steel production, major manufacturing, and logistics centers based in Northwest Indiana. Fantastic career opportunities exist in those businesses. Other nearby cities with substantial job opportunities include Valparaiso, Hobart, Crown Point, Merrillville, and Gary.


Students living in Arvilla Acres will attend Portage Township Schools. Elementary aged students will attend George L Myers Elementary School. Middle School aged students living in Arvilla Acres attend William Fegely Middle School. High school aged students attend Portage High School.

Transportation And Location

Portage does not offer intercity public transportation. In addition, with the subdivision being located at the edge of Portage people buying a home in Arvilla Acres should count on having access to a car.

Arvilla Acres Is Best For…

Arvilla Acres is a great community for anyone. However, young families and growing families likely will do best in this subdivision. This is for several reasons. The community has a great walk score due to sidewalks and curbs being present. Secondly, the homes are close together making for a more neighborly experience. Lastly, the range of sale prices make these homes obtainable for many younger and growing families. With an affordable entry price and a high likelihood for excellent appreciation in values this is a great place to buy a home.

Pros For Buying A Home In Arvilla Acres Portage, Indiana

  • Relatively new homes
  • High potential for homes to appreciate
  • Great location with easy access to three cities
  • Affordable home prices

Cons For Buying A Home In Arvilla Acres Portage, Indiana

  • No amenities in the neighborhood


Arvilla Acres is one of the great place to live in Portage, IN. Houses for sale in Arvilla Acres Portage, IN are affordable, relatively new, and have a great chance to appreciate in value in the near term. Additionally, sidewalks and curbs make and the smaller lots make this a friendly neighborhood where you can easily meet new people.

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Arvilla Acres homes for sale in different price range