Hobart, Indiana is a city in Lake County, Indiana with about 30,000 residents. Centrally located in the city is Lake George. At Lake George, you can walk the path along the city’s waterfront. The city also holds outdoor concerts at Lakefront Park using the band shelter. Hobart has a nostalgic looking downtown common with small Midwest cities.
A unique characteristic of Hobart, Indiana is the school system. Hobart, Indiana has a large geographic footprint and is adjacent to other cities. This causes some students in Hobart to attend a school not in their city. Most of Hobart is within the School City of Hobart District. But some students will attend Merrillville or River Forest Schools.
Single family homes make up 95% of Hobart realty. The remaining property is condos, townhouses, and duplexes. Houses for sale in Hobart vary in style, design, features, and size. There are older, smaller buildings located in town. Surrounding the town are more contemporary developments such as Barrington Ridge and the Lake George subdivisions.
Homes for sale in Hobart, IN are both affordable and desired. The average sale price for a Hobart dwelling is $163,700. This is about 20% less than the combined Northwest Indiana real estate market. However, Hobart homes for sale were only on the market for an average of 54 days. This is also about 20% below the average for all of Northwest Indiana. This indicates buyers are interested in Hobart real estate and that housing prices in Hobart, IN are likely to increase in the short term.
Quadwalls.com features all the homes for sale in Hobart, Indiana. We update Hobart real estate listings several times each day. Start your search today. Once you have found a property you like, contact us. Our agents are ready to help you.