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What Is A Patio House?

A patio house is a new term which we heard more of in the last ten years. So, what are these homes? Are they completely outdoors with no walls? Are the floor’s concrete like a patio?

This post will give you a brief explanation of what is a patio home.

What Is a Patio Home?

A patio home is one-half of a single-story duplex. These are also sometimes called a patio house, but naming it a patio home is more common.

Sometimes, but very rarely, are patio homes more than one story. Also, sometimes the unit shares more than one wall with another property. So occasionally, a patio home is a part of a tri-plex, quad-plex, or even a row of homes. These are also sometimes called a patio house, but naming it a patio home is more common.

Patio home

Patio homes also usually have very small yards and all or nearly all of the exterior maintenance and grounds care is taken care of by a homeowner’s or property owner’s association.

Usually, patio homes are designed in a way where there is a large door in the living room or dining area to give easy access to the patio. Thus, the outside and inside can be incorporated with each other.

What Does Patio Mean?

Patio home is a term used by the real estate industry, but it really is used generically. There is no legal classification for a patio home in most states. Instead, this is more of a marketing term.

Patio homes are nearly always a single story home with little to no outdoor maintenance, small yards, and close neighbors built in suburban areas. This type of housing is attractive to a certain demographic, notably retirees and senior citizens.

People on Patio

It is quite possible this term was developed to just give a new spin on retiree developments in the 1970s when the term first started to appear. Today, real estate agents us the term patio home to loosely categorize a home I have described here.


Patio homes are a great home if you are seeking easy to care for interiors and a maintenance free exterior. Quadwalls.com and its team of Quadwalls Connected Agents can help you search for patio homes in Northwest Indiana. Start your home search with us today!

About Author
Chuck Vander Stelt

Chuck Vander Stelt

Real Estate Agent Northwest Indiana

Chuck Vander Stelt is the operating manager of Quadwalls.com, an award winning real estate agent based in Northwest Indiana, and a member of the National Association of REALTORS®. Chuck is a consistent contributor to the Quadwalls.com blog. Read Full BIO

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