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8 Simple Tips to Market Your Home FSBO

When selling a house without a Realtor® it can be hard to know how to market your home for sale by owner. FSBO sellers need to know about FSBO marketing. I am a real estate agent, and I help you by sharing some of what I do to successfully sell my clients’ homes. Here I will provide you with 8 tips to help you market your home when selling a house without a Realtor®.

1. The Most Common FSBO Marketing Error: Setting the Price

I’ve made a lot of money off of FSBOs due to this one error. Overpriced homes do not capture buyers’ interest. Buyers can easily compare your home to another by merely swiping left or right. When marketing your home for sale by owner there are resources to price the home correctly.

The better resource is a broker price opinion. A real estate agent could provide you with a market value for the home. Agents will likely charge a small fee for this between $100 and $400. Another option is to have the home appraised by an appraiser. The cost of this would likely be $300 to $600. Lastly, FSBO sellers could try to gather data on recent comparable sold homes.

2. Focus on What Adds Value to a Home and Makes It More Attractive

Your home being clean, well-maintained, and looking fresh will add value to your home and make it more attractive to homebuyers

Your home needs to look attractive to buyers. Below is a list of improvements to make your home appear more attractive. Coincidentally, these same actions are also those which provide sellers the best return on investment. These improvements are worth the time and money because they will increase the home’s value.

  1. Declutter the home removing as many personal belongings as possible. Only the minimum essentials should remain in the home.
  2. Deep clean the entire home. Consider hiring a professional house cleaning crew if needed.
  3. Fix any broken items.
  4. Clean up the landscaping around the home.
  5. Fresh paint. The walls, the trim, exterior elements like decks and sheds look completely new with a new paint color. For the interior, use neutral colors including lite beiges or lite greys.
  6. Replacing dim light fixtures with fixtures emitting more light is always a good improvement.
  7. Sprucing up kitchens, bathrooms, and laundry rooms is remarkably effective at increasing a home’s attractiveness and value.

3. A Pre-Market Inspection Will Help Market Your Home

A pre-market inspection is a great way to market your home for sale by owner. Repair any defects discover during the inspection. Market the fact the home has already been inspected and share the report with buyers. A pre-market inspection removes uncertainty for buyers. This helps buyers be more confident and ready to make an offer on the home. This is a great way to put your home ahead of others.

4. Stage Your FSBO to Sell

Staging a FSBO to sell just requires having the home look like everything belongs there and removal of distracting and unnecessary items

Staging a home increases its attractiveness and gives prospective buyers an idea of how each space can be used. Proper home staging will increase home value, too.  One of the best ways to add value to a home is by having the interior space looking inviting, clean, and ready to be enjoyed.  The trick to staging is less is more.

  • Each space should have a minimal amount of furniture and accessories.
  • The staging should generally include pieces within the same color palette with some added bits of color.
  • Avoid anything that overwhelms a space. Large chunky furniture is the most common culprit. Don’t overcrowd any spaces.
  • Put away ultra-personal items such as medications, toothbrushes, clothes, and other similar items.
  • No open cabinets, drawers, or closet doors. Jamming every compartment full of stuff with the doors left ajar signals to buyers that the home does not have enough space.
  • Remove fake plants.
  • Open all of the curtains, shades, and interior doors. Turn on all of the lights, too.

5. How To Get Great Home Photos When Selling A House Without A Realtor®

FSBOs seem to fail so often at this critical step of FSBO marketing. We live in a swipe right, swipe left world. It’s just what it is. Instead of fighting this embrace it.

When selling a home you embrace this by having the highest quality images you can get you show off your home. Most home sellers should be able to find an experienced real estate photographer in their area. Having high quality photos when advertising your home will increase its attractiveness and capture buyers’ interest. So, hop on your favorite search engine and search for a “real estate photographer near me”.

6. How To Advertise Your FSBO When Selling A House Without A Realtor®

Knowing how and where to advertise your FSBO when selling a house without a realtor is important to successfully sell your home yourself.

FSBO home sellers can successfully advertise their home for sale. Below is a list of ways to advertise your home for sale.

  • Professional made signage in your front yard
  • Flyers advertising your home.
  • Post the home for sale on your social media profiles. Re-post it every three to five days, and encourage your friends to share it.
  • Place the home online with real estate websites that support for sale by owner properties.
  • Consider having an open house and advertise it online.
  • Write strong marketing remarks which focuses on how the home’s features sold buyers’ problems. This is the most effective way to sell your home with text.

7. Making Your Home Easy to Show Is an Important Part of FSBO Marketing

We all have busy schedules. Make your home easy to show by being able to accommodate buyers’ schedules. Maybe Saturday mornings work best for you. But what is more important is accommodating what works best for buyers. Put the customer’s needs first, and make your home easy to show by being flexible on days and times you can show the home.

8. Answer Questions Like a Pro

Sellers should accurately and confidently answer buyers’ questions. Answering buyers’ questions is a part of marketing the home. Do not be argumentative with buyers if they do not like or agree with an answer. Also, if you do not know the answer to a question let the buyer know you will get back to him or her.


Home sellers selling FSBO who take these steps will have a better chance of getting the home sold quickly for a higher price and with less inconvenience to their lives. Marketing a home properly is an important step in getting the home sold.

If you are starting to feel overwhelmed contact Quadwalls.com. Our connected Agents charge lower real estate commission fees for their full-feature home selling services. Quadwalls can help you with all of these items and get your home sold for you.

About Author
Chuck Vander Stelt

Chuck Vander Stelt

Real Estate Agent Northwest Indiana

Chuck Vander Stelt is the operating manager of Quadwalls.com, an award winning real estate agent based in Northwest Indiana, and a member of the National Association of REALTORS®. Chuck is a consistent contributor to the Quadwalls.com blog. Read Full BIO

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